Thursday, 9 February 2012

About Stress Inner Child Cope Holidays

Thanksgiving to new year is often the most difficult and stressful time of year! There is significant growth expectations. There is the hustle and bustle of shopping, planning and implementation. Our compulsiveness (especially eating, drinking and debting) can be activated in response to the surrounding chaos. For many it is hard to keep … measured … what we can perceive the other expected.

The contrast between what we feel and what we think we should feel can be enormous. We can see the joy around us; listen to messages on the radio; View messages on tv representing brotherhood and joy-but we can feel sad and alone-depressed, lonely or afraid. You can even overwhelmed by all of the activities or filled with recrudescence of horror and fear of not being able to cope.

The pain may be more pronounced if they have been significant losses in the past year. Damage may occur in response to the "feel good enough" to be with someone who is able to choose the "perfect gift", or large enough to afford presents. It's greed or competition may raise their ugly heads, as we buy gifts, how has his price.

1. make a list of 3-5 commitments associated with this holiday season … ie … person or place you must visit, buy a lot, you should take part. gifts, you'd expect … inform or holiday recipes, you should prepare. traditions you are likely to protect.

2. If you chose to imagine the consequences. Who in your world, it would have been disappointed? Who would judge, criticize, reduce, and punish? "Learning is the worst thing that would happen, and I'm willing to live with it?"

3. in response to a meditation on how you have responded to these reactions in children. Who was your fear, your internal rebellion, your anger, your shame?

(4) as an adult responsible Government?

5. What did it feel like adults Envision yourself to respond within a child in such a way that has allowed this option?

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